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Understanding Climate-Smart Commodities and USDA Partnerships

The concept of “climate-smart commodities” is gaining prominence. HabiTerre is involved in multiple partnerships for climate-smart commodities, quantifying GHG emissions and providing actionable insights to our partners.

But what exactly are climate-smart commodities, and how do they relate to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)? Let’s break it down in simple terms.

What are Climate-Smart Commodities?

Climate-smart commodities, as the name suggests, are agricultural products or raw materials produced in a way that considers the challenges posed by climate change. These commodities are cultivated, harvested, or processed with a focus on minimizing their impact on the environment, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and adapting to the changing climate.

The USDA’s Role in Climate-Smart Agriculture

The USDA recognizes the importance of addressing climate change in the food and agriculture sector. To foster the production and consumption of climate-smart commodities, the USDA has initiated various partnerships and programs.

In addition to its collaborative efforts, the USDA offers grants to further incentivize the adoption of climate-smart practices in agriculture. These grants provide financial support to farmers, organizations, and researchers working on projects that promote climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable agriculture. By offering these grants, the USDA encourages innovation and experimentation with new methods and technologies that can mitigate the impacts of climate change while ensuring a steady supply of climate-smart commodities.

USDA Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities

  • Soil Health Partnership
    The Soil Health Partnership is a collaboration between the USDA and farmers aimed at promoting sustainable farming practices. These practices include reducing soil erosion, enhancing soil fertility, and sequestering carbon in the soil, which all contribute to climate-smart agriculture.
  • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
    The CRP provides financial incentives to farmers who set aside environmentally sensitive land for conservation purposes. This program not only promotes biodiversity but also helps mitigate climate change by reducing soil erosion and capturing carbon in restored ecosystems.
  • Climate Hubs
    The USDA Climate Hubs serve as regional centers that provide information, tools, and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers for adapting to climate change. They help develop strategies that enhance the resilience of agriculture to climate-related challenges.
  • Research and Development Initiatives
    The USDA invests in research and development initiatives that aim to improve the environmental sustainability of agriculture. This includes projects focused on crop breeding, livestock management, and agricultural technologies designed to reduce carbon footprints.

Why Climate-Smart Commodities Matter

Climate-smart commodities are essential for several reasons. First and foremost, they contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the agriculture sector. They also enhance the resilience of agricultural systems in the face of extreme weather events and changing climate patterns. By supporting the production and consumption of climate-smart commodities, the USDA plays a vital role in safeguarding the future of agriculture and food security.



Climate-smart commodities represent an important shift towards sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture. The USDA, through its partnerships and programs, is actively working to support and promote the production of these commodities. As the world struggles with the challenges of climate change, these initiatives are crucial steps toward a more sustainable and climate-resilient future in agriculture.

To learn more about the USDA’s Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities, visit

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